Why Our Family Chose the Skoolie Life
Updated: Sep 14, 2022
Like many others, the pandemic was just the break I needed to finally gain clarity on where my life was headed. I had worked really hard to build a successful business, send my son to a great independent school; plus, realized a new sense of financial freedom.
Despite all accomplishments towards my “success”, I realized I was moving further away from happiness. If I’m being honest, I’ve always lived a life “outside of the box.” so these wild times allowed me to slow down and imagine how much further outside the box I could get…
I wanted more for myself and my family; no more hustle and grind. I was determined to find a greater sense of freedom; without limitations on the experiences I could have, or the quality of time I could spend with my children. I wanted to escape LA, but hadn’t the slightest idea of where to go. After a few weeks of research, I thought “let's go everywhere!” 😆

I shared this “crazy” idea with my husband Eric, which grew into us purchasing our very own, tiny-home on wheels. Luxxe & Found became our new reality as we’re learning how to gut, design, live and travel in a 40-foot school bus, affectionately known as 40 Luxxe. 🚌
Now the skoolie life is pushing us to redefine what off-grid living looks and feels like. Society would typically associate this lifestyle with houselessness or an extreme isolation. But our decision is instead rooted in freedom and we’re fully embracing what we call “sustainable luxury.” Think of it as an eye-catching and eco-friendly mix of being fabulous and roughing it. ⛰ 🏕 ✨
We invite you to join Luxxe & Found as we share our journey with 40 Luxxe toward a softer, yet productive life filled with family, travel, food, and DIY fun.
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Would you try the skoolie life?
Yes, absolutely! 😄
Ehh, not sure 🤔
Nope, it's not for me! 😵💫